Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Why Overnight Success is a Myth

I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan

What a great video by JayShetty!

To watch click here or on the image.

Mike Holt's Comment: I’m a high school dropout, was in a gang in Miami, and had no male figure for direction. But there was something inside me that pushed me to strive for greatness. I pray that if you are struggling, you realize that your life is a result of the decisions you have made in the past. If you want to change your future, then work harder today than you did yesterday, learn more today than yesterday, and help others more today than yesterday. Be a man that honors God, your wife, and your family. You’ll be surprised how in just a few ‘decades’ you will be successful beyond your imagination.


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"... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" [Joshua 24:15]

  • It is obvious that in today's culture of immediate satisfaction and entitlement, hard work is often viewed as a relic of the past. I too was raised by a single mother in the 60's when even the Catholic church excommunicated divorcees who were the subject of such. I grew up w/o a male influence and w/o parameters of acceptable behavior as a result of my mother working two full-time jobs. I roamed the streets until all hours and by mere luck, managed to avoid jail and the courts for anything serious. Many of the people that I associated with were not so fortunate. I joined the Marine Corps at the age of eighteen and learned valuable lessons about respect, honor, loyalty and perseverance. I often reiterate to others facing hardship that: "Life is a series of successive obstacles. When you encounter such, you are given the innate ability to choose how you react. When you choose correctly, you will more than likely not encounter that obstacle again. Or, if you do, you already know the correct response. However, if you make the wrong decision, there are repercussions and you are destined to repeat that obstacle repeatedly throughout life until you come upon the right decision." That philosophy is imperative for those that wish to succeed.

    Rick Fornataro  May 10 2017, 10:11 am EDT

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