Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

Amazing upcoming movie: The Current War

In case you haven't heard yet, there's an amazing new movie coming out. Edison, Westinghouse and Tesla - 3 geniuses who changed our world. Their story is incredible, and the trailer is riveting. Make the time to go and see it!

KinoCheck International has posted the official movie trailer. Click here or click on the image to view it. Here's how they describe the movie:

Three brilliant visionaries set off in a charged battle for the future in The Current War, the epic story of the cutthroat competition that literally lit up the modern world. Benedict Cumberbatch is Thomas Edison, the celebrity inventor on the verge of bringing electricity to Manhattan with his radical new DC technology. On the eve of triumph, his plans are upended by charismatic businessman George Westinghouse (Michael Shannon), who believes he and his partner, the upstart genius Nikolai Tesla (Nicholas Hoult), have a superior idea for how to rapidly electrify America: with AC current. As Edison and Westinghouse grapple for who will power the nation, they spark one of the first and greatest corporate feuds in American history, establishing for future Titans of Industry the need to break all the rules.

  • Edison,Tesla & Westinghouse were very brilliant men and deserve the accolades given to them for their work in the field of electricity.

    However, I'm disappointed that there continues to be no hearty mention and attributes given to Humphry Davy and de La Rue who, before Edison et al, made big contributions in the field of electricity and whom were actually the pioneers in the field. But as it is said: the pioneers get the arrows while the settlers get the colonies.

    O'Connor  October 19 2019, 3:35 pm EDT
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  • Thanks for the heads up. This movie cannot be missed. I remember my dad telling me about this war and he had no respect for Edison. He did know Steinmetz and he said he was the only person who could explain AC in a way he could understand it.

    Bob  October 19 2019, 3:07 pm EDT
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  • Looks great!

    Rob Payne  October 19 2019, 2:49 pm EDT
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  • Thanks for sharing Mike. Can't wait to see this movie. I am a huge Tesla fan, an electrician and a business owner.

    Mark Rimkus   October 19 2019, 11:37 am EDT
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  • P.S. I believe this is a limited release date so it may not be at your favorite theater. Luckily it will be showing at my fav Regal, even Thurs eve the 24th.

    Steve  October 19 2019, 5:06 am EDT
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  • I mentioned it in the forums but there wasn't much interest. Or maybe just not enough traffic in the general forum. I'll be at the first showing! Been waiting for years. Thanks Mike.

    Steve  October 19 2019, 1:31 am EDT
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  • Thanks Mike for this! Fascinated by these guys, especially Tesla. Should be good. Loved the trailer.

    Joe Henn  October 19 2019, 12:25 am EDT
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