Mike Holt Enterprises Electrical News Source

A Holiday Travel Reminder

Each year around this time we want to remind you of the dangers of texting while driving.

Despite there being many other common distractions that lead to motor vehicle crashes, and driving and texting remains one of the most dangerous. The fact that it's probably illegal in your state might not be motivation enough. Being responsible for injuring someone else, yourself, or worse yet, causing a death, is not anything that you can easily recover from.

It starts with you - no amount of justification makes it okay.

Click here or on the image to watch the video.

Educate yourself, take the pledge, share the message. Following are just two or the many organizations to follow:
Don't Text and Drive Campaign: share the message.
AT&T: It Can Wait

Mike Holt's Comment:
If you still text while driving - I hope after you watch the video you’ll recommit to never send another text message while driving. Let’s help make the world a little safer because of our personal decisions.

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