Thank you to our men and women in blue!

January 9 is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Wear something blue, and If you see a police officer today, tell them thank you!

Law enforcement officers risk their lives every day in their dedication to the communities they serve. They spend countless hours on the job and away from their families in order to serve others.

Find a way to show your appreciation, especially today - there are countless sites on the web, so you can choose one that has a special meaning for you.

Mike Holt Enterprises, 3604 Parkway Blvd., Ste 3, Leesburg, FL 34748
"... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" [Joshua 24:15]

  • Hats off to the good Police Officers of this nation. Condolences to the officer killed by the Domestic Terrorists in the Capitol riots. Hopefully our fine Police Forces throughout the nation will capture everyone of those Traitors. It's time for supporting our police through training, education, and re-programming of all the nut sacks in this nation that bring Molotov cocktails to our Capitol in support of a Draft Dodging, Lying Piece of Shit Dotard.

    Tom - USN Veteran - Master Electrician  January 9 2021, 3:05 pm EST

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