Too many to-dos? Stressed out?
By Belynda Holt Pinto (Mike’s Daughter #1 of 5 in age order)
So many people feel stressed out these days and it’s not only because our lives are going in a thousand and one directions but it’s also because we haven't sat down to plan it out a little. Ask yourself - What are all the things I have to do? Have you written them down in one location? So many people, myself included (in the past), spend their time feeling stressed out and trying to remember all the things on their to-do lists. I tell people get this out of your mind and onto a piece of paper so that you can free up your mind for bigger projects. Just do this one thing and you will start to feel better already. If all your to-dos are all over the place, little pieces of paper, your memory, different notebooks then all of your other time management tricks and stress relieving tricks will have a hard time making a dent in that feeling of being overwhelmed and feeling like you are pulled in so many different directions. Once you get everything in one place it’s certainly a lot easier to decide what is most important.
This is the very first step in planning out your to-dos and your life. So many of us are brimming with to-dos and attack them without a plan, just randomly attacking the first one on our mind and moving on with a lot of gusto and at the end of the day are exhausted and frustrated and still feel overwhelmed by the to-dos on the list.. I know because I have been there! Get it out, get it in one place and start from there. You will also be surprised when you get it all out how much you have been trying to remember and how that in itself is stressful, leave your brain free to work on the important stuff.
Mike Holt Comment: My daughter is very involved in the field of stress management and how it relates to your business and life strategy. She’s recently created a Blog about this topic. I’m going to start sending some of her posts and if you’d like to comment you can visit her blogsite here: