Mike Holt Enterprises Understanding the NEC
Mike Holt
Being a leader is about living your life in a way that inspires or encourages others. To lead is to serve. If you make it your goal to do the best that you can and to help people, then you can't fail. I encourage you to commit to keep learning.

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Embrace change and consider it an opportunity to learn and grow.

Be a person who embraces and thrives on change. No matter where you are in your career or personal life, one thing is certain—to be successful you need to be able to adapt to change.

All of us are faced with change on a daily basis; very few things stay the same. What you've done successfully in the past may not work today. Technological advances are occurring at such rapid and varying rates that methods, materials, and even tools that worked well for you are becoming obsolete before they’ve had a chance to get worn out.

It's not enough to simply be aware of the changes that affect you, but you must put yourself in a position to move forward and embrace them as soon as possible. You need to understand the inevitability of change and the necessity of growing with it in order to remain competitive. It’s natural to resist change because it’s easier to do things the same way you’ve always done them. Everyone has his or her own level of resistance to new things, but if you embrace change and consider it an opportunity to learn and grow, you’ll find it much easier. Seeing the benefits that may result from change will go a long way to helping you accept and welcome it. Making necessary changes might be nothing more than practicing a new technique or learning a new way of using a familiar tool.

Wanting to learn and staying abreast of new developments comes easier than having to do it. When you start something new, your ability to accept initial failures improves your chances of final success. One way to stay ahead and keep up with what’s happening in your environment is to read trade publications, join associations, and attend meetings. Becoming involved and active will help you see upcoming changes and stay current.

Technology is evolving almost faster than we can keep up with. Computers, laptops, smart phones, tablets, and other electronic devices have become a necessity where, at one time, they were considered new or a luxury. If you’ve been around a little while and didn't grow-up with this advanced technology, it’s important for you to have at least a basic knowledge of these tools. If you’re running a business, commit to learning and using spreadsheet and word processing software as some of the tools to help you be effective. Spreadsheets are used for a variety of finance-related subjects and are often used to summarize information in the form of a table. In addition, learning how to type quickly is a big plus because it allows you to produce written communications more quickly. Investing your time in learning these skills can help you stay relevant. Make every effort to stay as current as possible with technological advances by searching the Internet for information about new technology—and then READ it! Challenge yourself to broaden your horizons, extend your personal knowledge, and always be willing to learn and grow.

It’s vitally important for you to develop and maintain a sense of objectivity and a willingness to recognize change as an ever-present factor in your life. Change occurs from within as well as from the outside. Positive change can be brought about through implementation of your planned goals. Action and planning (not reaction to events) must be the order of the day. Receiving candid input from your advisers, the people who know you, and your family, are vital for your growth. Support and the willingness to learn are the two factors that will take you far in your quest to master leadership skills.

Embrace the future! Keep your ear to the ground and listen to the winds of change. Be aware of what’s coming and what’s shifting so you can be proactive and make smart decisions instead of being surprised by the inevitable changes of life.

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The above content is extracted from Mike Holt's Leadership Skills textbook.

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  • I learned in Army basic training over 50 years ago, to improvise,adapt and overcome when a situation requires a change.

    gene senter  December 16 2021, 2:01 pm EST

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