This article was posted 09/26/2005 and is most likely outdated.

Lightning Protection System Upgraded for “Lightning Alley”

Topic - Lightning and Surge Protection
Subject - Lightning Protection System Upgraded for “Lightning Alley”

September 26, 2005 

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Lightning Protection System Upgraded for “Lightning Alley”

The Winter Park , Florida Communication Center provides police, fire and 911 services to a community of 23,000 inhabitants. Because the center is located in Florida's "Lightning Alley," city officials upgraded its lightning protection/grounding system with additional electrodes, a 4/0 ring-ground, 4/0 halo grounds and an extensive network of heavy-gage copper grounding conductors to reduce weather-related threats to it's emergency response system. Since many of the people in this community are elderly retirees a system that could ensure that emergency phone calls made it through their communications network was of great importance. The following case study outlines the extensive upgrade and how copper played an important role.

Click Here to read the entire case study provided by Copper Development Association Inc.

Grounding versus Bonding (Article 250) Online Program
16 Hours CEU - Interactive online training is available! This online course gets to the root of all problems associated with grounding versus bonding, and our detailed color graphics help you easily differentiate between the two. This course may be used for continuing education in approved states. 

Product Code: 05GBOLP
Price: $178.00 each

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