You could put like a mesh under the carpet and flooring and hook it up to ground and have like a “healthy house”.
Seriously, is there any easy way to measure flow of electrons to the body from a device like this? Seems like flow of electrons is commonly known as electric current, yes?
“The earth is electric, constantly providing trillions of electrons per second and natural frequencies.” – or so they say.
So does DC current have frequency associated with it? Seems like no, unless it is a variation in current level over time (like an audio signal – can we just hook ourselves up to some speaker wires?). And what exactly constitutes a “natural frequency” versus an unnatural one ? So could we get one of these and hook a volt meter to it? Or just put a wire in the ground and hold onto it and check it with a volt meter?
If we hooked it up to an amp and speaker would it be a soothing sound (Hey, I claim a patent on this idea :-) )?
Freaky and Mystical stuff.