I'm not a fan of this, either. I don't think it works well in many cases. I prefer to rotate circuit numbers on multi-wire branch circuits when going around a room (1, 3, 5, 1, 3, 5, etc.) so that adjacent receptacles aren't on the same leg. How do you write that in a directory? "Every third receptacle in room 101, starting with the second receptacle from the door, going in a clockwise direction." There's no provision to use tags on device plates (and my wife would never allow them in her kitchen), and even if there was there's no guarantee that the device plates won't be replaced with unlabeled plates or that plates won't get swapped? And how do you identify rooms? Is "Sam's office" OK? What about if he relocates? "Room 101" is only meaningful if the room itself is really labeled Room 101. "East receptacles" doesn't do any good if you have a poor sense of direction.
This is great in theory, but not very workable in practice. Martin