Getting ready to take a Journeyman or Master Exam?

SAVE NOW - Mike's Exam Preparation Products Now Available for Exams Testing on the 2020 NEC®

Taking an exam can be intimidating, and for over 45 years we have been helping people just like you pass county and state exams. Our goal is not just to prepare you for your exam, but to give you the confidence to walk into the exam knowing that you are ready. More importantly, that you will take this knowledge of theory, the NEC, and how to properly solve electrical calculations and become a leader in the field.

Why choose Mike Holt Enterprises for Exam Preparation?

  • Study at your own pace, in your own home, around your schedule.
  • Find a custom study solution based on your specific needs.
  • Test your skills with the built-in Practice Questions that help you track your progress.
  • Focus your attention on your weakest areas instead of having to review areas as a class when you already know the material.
  • Watch the videos to enhance your understanding of the content and later on review sections as needed so you can develop complete mastery of each section.
  • Learn easily with the thousands of illustrations that provide the backbone of Mike's innovative teaching style.

Find the perfect study program for you...
Journeyman Exam Preparation Libraries
Master Exam Preparation Libraries
Inspector Exam Prep

Need help finding the right program? Call our office at 888.632.2633 and our Exam Prep Training Team can find the perfect product for you.

Exam Preparation | Continuing Education | Code Products | more..
Mike Holt Enterprises, 3604 Parkway Blvd., Ste 3, Leesburg, FL 34748
"... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" [Joshua 24:15]

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