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What our customers are saying about Our Seminars

The seminar was a 10! All the speakers were very knowledgeable. Thanks to the information provided we have invested in protective arc flash wear for our employees.

It's more than Code Review - it's Training for Success.

I was amazed at the energy and professionalism of the entire production of the seminar in Coral Springs. I have attended classroom type CEU presentations and was expecting something along that line. Thanks again and have a blessed day. It is great to see believers sharing their faith in a real world setting and application. Bill
I enjoy the seminar each year. The training you receive there can benefit everyone!
I have been to 5 to 6 different CEU classes, and Mike's classes are the very best by far. Mike, Belynda, Brian, and Mario are professional and funny at the same time. The seminar was very informative.
This was a very good seminar. Mike's anecdotes and oration were phenomenal. There were tons of useful and relatable information.
A very good program that can change a great deal of lives, and one that must be preserved to protect future generations in the trade. Mike is a passionate speaker and I found the seminar to be very educational.
Mike Holt's seminar was informative, fun, exciting and motivational! It gave me amazing tools for success!
This program was very informative and clear cut to help people get to the next level. I hope to attend again in the future.
I liked going over the code changes to help me better understand it. Mike never lets us down. I loved the presentation.
I've been coming for several years. I'm retired but, you don't stop doing what you love. I always learn something new each time I come.
The motivation I get from this seminar always propels me into advancement.
Very well planned! Great eye contact and presentation overall! See you in 2024!
The ease, the joy, the patience and dedication that Mike has when sharing his lesson, make him an excellent Instructor. Thank you, Mike, for sharing your experiences and knowledge with us!
The seminar is comfortable and inspiring. I leave a better person every time I come.
Truth is I come back over and over again. I know the effort is always put into the seminars for them to have fresh content. There is always something new to take away.
Been taking Mike Holt classes for more than 30 years, you folks keep coming up with the best program. I really liked all of the new presentations.
One of the most heartfelt open discussions I've ever heard, even including church. This was a very powerful presentation; I appreciate you sharing your life story! I'm thankful I was in the right place today.
I love the heart that Mike puts into all of this! The Safety part was very strong!
Mike's motivation and business speech was very inspiring. The motivation I feel makes me a better person!
Everyone I have interaction with is always positive, professional and friendly. Great reason to keep coming back year after year for 15 years and counting.
I really did enjoy this seminar. I loved all the free books and the attention to detail in putting this event together.
The seminar was amazing, I will keep coming back. I learned a lot about all the code changes.
All of the presenters were great, they had good information and found ways to keep the topics interesting. The information regarding code changes will prepare us for the future.
All of the information is presented in the most interesting way and it's all information that we all need to have.
Everyone I met associated with Mike Holt Enterprises puts forth a sincere effort to assist others. Truly remarkable! No one does their job begrudgingly. What an incredible working environment you have created. Thank you!
If you are in the trade, it's not a maybe attend, you MUST attend this Seminar every year, period. Your employees should also attend if you are a business owner.
This was the first Mike Holt class I've attended. It went very well and I'm looking forward to attending many more in the future. The entire conference was done very well. Everything from the audio and food, to the information presented.
This Seminar is so much more than Continued Education. It puts a new fire to do better every time.
I didn't realize how much I missed this Seminar because of COVID. I'm a one-man shop. I don't have a mentor. The times I can hang with like-minded people and other business owners really help me get perspective. I really need the jolt this Seminar gives me. Thanks for all you do Mike, and for all your awesome team.
Very clear and informative. I really appreciated the straightforward approach. Hearing testimonies from guys who finally earned their license was extremely motivating and what I needed. I will return next year as a nonrestricted licensed electrician. Thank you to the whole Mike Holt Team.
The gathering of so many electricians in one place is a great event. God Bless Mike. He is an overall good person.
I really feel at home at every Seminar I have attended. I always look forward to this Seminar!
My first Seminar, was the best ever. I can't wait for another one. Lots of great, valuable information. Best event ever!
Just finished the Mike Holt Seminar in Orlando. Not my first and it definitely will not be my last. I always leave filled with the desire to push myself more! Thanks to him and his incredible staff!
Mike Holt provides critical information to our trade. Mike always makes me feel like I'm learning from someone that truly cares about me, as an electrician and human being. Easily the best seminar I've attended yet!
Great Seminar, as always. A professional, well put on class. I never fail to come away with new thoughts on the interpretation of Code, Theory, Safety & Legal applications.
This class is a breath of fresh air. I always loved coming to Mike Holt Classes for many years and will continue. Thank you, Mike Holt Enterprises, for helping me through very hard times. YOU SAVED MY CAREER!
This is my first Mike Holt Seminar and I am very happy I decided to participate. I learned mostly about being prepared for life and how to prep for my Master's. Very grateful for the one-on-one time spent with Mike. He helped me understand I have to focus on my life before investing into someone else's life.
I've been coming to Mike's classes and using his information since 1981 and he is the best. I used his class in Tamarac for my Journeyman's and Masters!
I look forward to this event every year. Mike is a combination of listening to your favorite uncle and attending a college course. Mario is a great addition. Brian, Belynda, and the rest of the crew are fantastic as well.
I love these once a year - 2 days, it gives me a renewed focus on why I became an electrician. I have been coming for 2 years, but have studied Mike Holt materials for 29 years. John Mills and George Cancio helped me get my Journeyman and Masters license. Thanks is not a good enough word.
The energy was great! Mike Holt's energy is inspiring and impressive.
Overall, this was very engaging and educational. I learned about many stress relieving techniques.
This was great and helpful information. I learned the importance of safety and implementing a program. Loved this seminar. I learned a lot from Mike.
Kept things interesting all day during the seminar! I will be back next year.
Very informative, fun, professional and friendly! Will definitely attend next year.
Great presentation, great education, and great interaction with so many people in different areas throughout the trade!
Great staff all the way around! I'm never disappointed, the Seminar is always engaging.
We love your program! It's so full of information!! It's worth every penny!!
Mike Holt has the best program ever for the electrician. The Capacitor is the best training tool in the business! I use it for all of our employees. Mike's leadership is something I use for all of our managers and supervisors. I am who I am today because of Mike, I want to be like him!
I have been coming to Mike's classes since 1984, and your products are awesome. Your classes are the best in the business.
Mike Holt Enterprises is awesome, and Mike is amazing! Your seminar never disappoints.
You met and exceeded the standard set by previous years' seminars. It was especially good to be in person this year.
The seminar was informative, inspirational, and organized! I will definitely be back next year - Mike Holt and his team are amazing.
The energy at the seminar is always great, and always fires me up for coming next year!
Mike Holt's seminar is the best, especially if you want to be an integral part of the industry.
Mike Holt Enterprises has been and continues to be a vital part of my company's growth and training plan. I believe Mike Holt Enterprises has been one of the reasons why my company has been so successful. Thank you!
The seminar was very engaging, personal, motivational, and I liked that we were able to network with others. I feel inspired to take charge and drive my field forward.
Excellent seminar! I'm new to the trade and I am greatly impressed by the presentation style, pace and content.
This was an amazing presentation - it was informative and full of real examples we find in the field. All the effort your staff puts in is incredible and appreciated.
The seminar was educational and enjoyable, looking forward to next year!
I loved the interaction with the audience! Interesting and energetic speakers make a great seminar, good job!
You guys are great every time we come! Mike's knowledge is outstanding and helpful; I'm thankful for this seminar, with your help we are being properly trained and can apply Mike's knowledge to our daily field experience with customers and employees.
The seminar was engaging, funny, and educational - all I could ever ask for from a CEU class. Thank you for being awesome, see you next year!
Forever grateful, it was a great seeing Mike and his great staff and family.
So much wisdom and resources! I come every year regardless of whether I need the credits or not. The amount of value that I get in these two days is priceless. Mike is tons of fun and is very relatable.
The electrical industry is a lifetime career for me. Mike Holt Enterprises has been a great partner on my journey, thanks!
I would definitely recommend coming back every year to stay up to date and learn as much as you can - this was a great NEC review!
Always high quality, knowledgeable speakers! The structure of the presentations, and personal, professional and business concepts were also great.
The speakers' enthusiasm was great, and everything was easy to understand. I came to the seminar for help with the business part of being an EC, Mike and everyone else did their part, now it's my turn to do what I was taught.
Always enjoy Mike's class - he's always 100% on all NEC! Will be back next year.
I wanted to thank you for offering the two-day Business Management Seminar in Orlando, Florida. I took that Seminar about 6 years ago and it changed my life. I read the Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, a prerequisite for the seminar, that book changed my life. I am in my fifth year of owning my own business and doing well. There isn't one day that goes by that I don't utilize what I was taught during those 16 hours. I just wanted to say thank you for everything. It was a pleasure having lunch with you and your son at the seminar too!
I was most pleased with the detail of customer service and how you adapted to any tech issues. Your guy Greg Finnie, not only a genius but a most patient person.
Webinar was very interesting and so glad to be a part of your new era of education!
Just when you think they have outdone themselves, they do it again! Incredible Webinar!
Anthony G.
Mike Holt and his team pulled this Webinar together in a short time and did a good job as usual. It saved all of us from exposure to the virus and helped us meet our needs. Thank You.
Fantastic Customer Service!!! I have attended a few live Seminars with Mike, I learned so much and also enjoyed every minute of it! Mike's knowledge in all aspects of your field is second to none. I can tell that he truly loves what he is doing and helps us to love it as much as him. He makes otherwise complicated and confusing electrical theories and code issues simple and easy. The illustrations make it even better! Thank you for your dedication to us. God Bless You and Your Family!
I was most pleased with your willingness to serve and give us the best experience possible.
I believe that at all times, Mike has our and the trade's interests at the forefront of everything he does.
No matter how many times I've attended the Mike Holt Seminar, it is always a different educational experience. Mike and his team are dedicated to making sure their courses deliver current info using the most current mode of delivery. Love the videos - they make the topics easier to comprehend and will be much more applicable/useful with younger tradesman as they climb the ranks. Always improving - always excellent!
I look forward to and enjoy coming to the MHE Seminar every year. I leave with knowledge I did not have every time.
I've been attending your seminars for several years. You continue to bring relevant topics to both days of the seminar. Brian House joined our table at lunch and the conversation was fantastic.
I really enjoyed the discussion between Brian and Eric on electrical safety. This discussion really helped me to put in perspective the use of the NFPA 70E, that it is a guide to help develop electrical safety programs.
I always come out of the seminars motivated and thinking: "How can we do better"? Keep up the good and dedicated work.
As a first timer, I was really impressed with the entire event. Very well prepared and well thought out. The best CEU course I've ever attended. I will definitely be coming back.
This was my first Mike Holt seminar and I was impressed with how he explained the concepts being taught. I felt that there was a good amount participation and interaction with the group as well.
Even though I been in the trade for more than 25 years, I still can learn and change.
Mike Holt seminars are the best...they are the industry standard. I've never come to a seminar and not learned something I didn't know that is applicable to our business.
The seminar has given me a lot to think about, and to get to work on, building my future in every way. I have been pumped since I came through the door. Thank You!!
The leadership, communication, and goal setting skills learned at this seminar are phenomenal. Mike Holt Enterprises puts all these skills into practice in their own daily operation.Very well organized every year. Kudos.
I personally get the most out of education in person. There's something special about it and you guys nailed it!
What was good was so many learning pieces that we can implement & reassurance of what we are doing right.
It was the quality that I've come to expect from Mike Holt, which is very good and why I keep coming back.
The topics covered in today's presentation are highly valuable for any individual, for work, or for personal growth.
What was good was the energy from Mike. It set my mind on a bird's-eye view of my company.
Great presentation. I need the pep talk and welcome to reality. I enjoyed my day.
Heartfelt presentation. Good information. Very well put together seminar for newbies as well as old-timers.
Just an awesome program to educate myself as well as my team. Money well invested.
Great lesson plans today. I couldn't be more pleased with all of the speaker's knowledge on their topics.
It was a pleasure meeting you (Mike) at the IAEI meeting in Raleigh North Carolina. Keep up the good work and thank you for all you do. I always enjoy the panel of people and the knowledge they have. Hope to see you again, soon.
I am proud to have known, and studied under you all these years. You have made an immeasurable difference in my business and personal mindset. Not just on the academic side, but the business practices side.
Thank you Randy L.
Speaking as someone who is an Electrical Contractor and a Vocational Teacher; I have always said that the one class I would not want to attend or teach is an 8 hour class on grounding and bonding. Several months ago when I found out that you were providing this course, I said to myself "Well if Mike can't make it an interesting 8 hours, no one can". Words cannot express how much I enjoyed the seminar. You bring a special combination of knowledge, positive energy, curiosity, and humility to all your presentations. I've made it a point to attend at least one seminar given by every electrical instructor within driving distance of my home and you are absolutely the best of the best. I've always tried to use your positive and approachable personality as a model for me whether I'm teaching high school students, electrical apprentices, electrical contractors or electrical inspectors. I hope I have an another opportunity in the future to watch you in action.
Good morning Mike, this past weekend was the first time that I had the opportunity to attend one of your seminars and my wife tagged along with me. We were both impressed with the quality of the instruction, but what we both appreciated the most was how you openly shared your faith and your dedication to your family. It is refreshing to see leadership that doesn't point to profits as THE goal but as a platform to strengthen our families and community. Your love for your God and family was apparent I am thank God for the opportunity to have met you. Keep up the good work!
David W. Little
I must say this is a top-notch program; looking forward to bringing more of my leadership team next year.
I understand how difficult it is to continually improve, but you always find another element to bring to the presentation.
A great seminar, you help me grow in every area of my life both personally and professionally.
Not only is this extremely informative, Mike makes it fun and inspirational. I would not go anywhere else.
Still the best seminar out there - don't shortcut your educational opportunites. After taking the Mike Holt seminars for several years, it's still the most comprehensive, fun and educational class on the market. You always leave with new ideas and a better understanding of the code, safety issues and wiring applications.
You guys are amazing! Your company is quite the inspiration to me. I know from the seminars, and over the years talking with the wonderful staff at Mike Holt Enterprises, how well the staff is treated and in turn how loyal and hard working they are. It has made a huge difference in how I run my company. Thank you for the great example!
No matter where a person is in his/her career, he/she could gain something from this seminar. You can send every employee to a Mike Holt Enterprises seminar - owner, project manager, estimator, office staff, foreman, apprentice. All employees could better themselves with information from these seminars.
It is worth every penny. Continuing Education online is a great option through MikeHolt.com, but attending a live seminar with Mike Holt is even sweeter!
One-stop shopping for those with multiple licenses in multiple states - almost all accept Mike Holt live seminars for CEU requirements.
Educating yourself is the most important thing that we can do as electricians. This program is the most efficient way to accomplish that.
Always informative and important - best training class with good people you will ever attend!
10! Professionalist/entertainment... the best learning and educational electrical experience.
Mike is a motivational speaker. You get updated information, or you refresh your existing knowledge; you feel part of a great training and electrical community. You leave feeling inspired to be a better person and a better leader in your business and personal life.
Jesse Elliott
Every time I come I learn something I can use! It is a must to attend - there is no thinking about it. Just go, and learn, and repeat every year...
I attend many conferences each year, and this is always one of my favorites. If you are in the electrical industry, you cannot afford to miss these classes each year - all topics are so very important and up-to-date.
Thanks Mike for the good help we are getting from you, and for showing us how to be good electricians.
Great course. The electrical trade is forever expanding and changing. It is critical that we stay up to date and current. This course helps us do just that! We appreciate Mike and Brian's passion and zeal for the trade and concerns for safety.
You have something to take back and use in your everyday work process - every single time! I make this seminar a part of my yearly schedule and it covers most of my CEU requirements. Train with the best to become the best. Thanks for a great seminar!
Overall Mike Holt Enterprises, Mike Holt, all the speakers and staff continually exceed my expectation. Every time I come I learn something new. Keep up the great work.
Thank you for providing this class so that I can do all my licenses at one time.
Every person who works for me will be required to take this course. It is invaluable.
The material was presented very well. I found this seminar to be very knowledgeable and interesting. I would not change anything. Mike is funny. He will find a way to relate the subject matter in order for you to understand it. Mike's interaction and his ability to breakdown concepts, along with his expertise and sense of humor, made the material easy to understand. I gained a lot of helpful tools I can use to increase my knowledge. It was a great presentation. He simplified the terms and ensured the audience gained a thorough understanding of the information that was being taught. This was probably one of the most knowledgeable classes I have attended and completely changed my outlook on grounding. I believe this class should be taught to every utilities Marine. Mike was an amazing instructor.
Marines that Attended a Grounding vs. Bonding Seminar at Camp LeJeune with Mike Holt
Mike, I want to thank you and your amazing team for the flawless 2 day Seminar in Orlando this past weekend. It was first and foremost, informational and exciting. So many of these Seminars are so boring you can’t wait for them to be over. I will have to say, I was very engaged 98% of the time. The other 2% of the time I was probably daydreaming. I can’t wait for next year. I have been an Instructor for the last 2 years at Tri County Apprenticeship Academy in Fort Myers, FL. I have modeled my teaching methods after you Mike. Thank you for the knowledge and help that you don’t even know you share. God Bless you and your Team.
I would personally like to take the time to thank Mike Holt and his team for the presentation at the Orlando seminar. That was the first time I attended this seminar and I can tell you that I will be a repeat customer - and the the location was beyond expectations. Thanks again for the opportunity.
Attended Mike Holt's CEU seminar in Orlando. August 5th and 6th. Mike Holt once again knocks it out of the park!!! Incredible team. From planning, organization, and delivering the most educational seminar available today. Mike Holt utilizes his unmatched experience with the most entertaining form of educational delivery. The new low voltage segment is a success. Thank you Mike and to all of your team.
This year has, as always, been an amazing and educational event. Your events rekindle the ambition and energy I need to make my business better.
It was great. I refreshed a lot that I had forgot. Keep doing what you are doing. I will see you next year!
I would recommend this to anyone. This was a great experience and I will be back! Thank you Mike Holt!
Mike has added improvements every year since the late 70's when I started his classes in Tampa. Belynda is doing a great job with the operations and flow of the Seminars.I look forward to the next one.
Professional and well-oiled organization. Always a pleasure to attend. Well worth the time and money.
I have been coming for 20 years. This was the best organized and had the best presenters.
It was great to be here! Enjoy this Seminar every year. Will be back next year.
The facility is great and affordable. The presentation was informative and rejuvenating. Keep up the good work. Great Seminar.
I believe this Seminar today has changed my life. It has impacted me in a way I didn't think it would. I will definitely be at future Seminars to come.
Best Continuing Education Seminar ever. Great speaker. Real down to earth. Spiritual principles. I like the way Mike encourages us to be better people, always trying to better ourselves.
Best session yet and we have been coming to Mikes' program for decades. Keep doing as you have over the years.
Informative, informative, informative. Keep doing what you are doing, you guys are very good. You are a blessing in many ways and such an inspiration, it's amazing!!
I was very impressed with the whole Seminar. The size, the layout, and the organization (very well put together).
Everything was well prepared and loaded with very informative and interesting information. It was inspiring and motivational.
Mike's presentation is always fantastic, down to earth, and motivational. The PPE presentation was very good.
All info was very applicable to our day to day operations. Keep doing what you do. Everything was presented at an easy to understand level. I am planning on bringing my staff to future events.
Mike's the best. This helped me to refocus and put things back in perspective. We were really happy with everything.
Well informed, professional and very easy to communicate with staff. I truly enjoy the two-day seminars Mike Holt Enterprises offers every year. It energizes me to continue learning to be a better electrician and more important, a better person. Don't know how you do it Mike, but you're inspiring to me. Thank you for all your hard work.
I have attended almost yearly for about 20 years -- I always learn something new and informative.
This was my first seminar; a great way to get multiple state continuing ed requirements completed in one session.
Brett Cothren
Mike keeps things upbeat and moving, shares personal stories and makes it more interesting. He always does a great presentation. I will definitely be back next time.
Mike Noonan
Mike is motivational and educational; everyone on the staff was extremely friendly and helpful.
David Balterman
Mike Holt Enterprises never disappoints! This organization goes above and beyond to provide the absolute best continued education experience possible. You make sitting through the class easy!
Reinaldo Perez
I found where I will be for my CE credits for the rest of my EC career!
Great class, very high energy… Mike is an excellent teacher and a natural presenter with an intelligent, practical approach to basic code and theory.
You never cease to amaze me - every year I go out with so much more knowledge even though it is the same codes.
My second year of attending Mike's seminar. After doing CE training and seminars for 25 years, you want to get something for your efforts, time and money. You might as well train with the best in the industry. Thank You!
David Kinder
Mike and his staff are knowledgeable and approachable. Although there are a plethora of options for fulfilling CEU requirements, little is actually learned when completing generic online courses. Mike's seminar is interesting and informative. He and his staff work to address areas of concern for contractors, and each year's seminar is different from the year before based upon the needs of the attendees. Kudos to the entire Mike Holt staff for offering a high-quality, relevant seminar for today's electrical professionals.
Tonia Licare
I have been attending these seminars for several years now. Every seminar I always walk away having learned something and looking forward to the next one! It is informative, entertaining, and everyone is so nice and helpful. Mike's advice works 100% of the time!
Steve Wilbanks
Have attended many years and will keep attending. I always come out learning a few new things.
Joseph Colosimo
Hands down the best training I've ever had in my 40 years in the Electrical Industry. Sizing conductors, overcurrent protective devices, overloads, transformers, and equipment. The grounding and bonding was great! Getting answers to questions that no one else could answer. I am so grateful and appreciative that you spent the week with our group here at Tesore. You are certainly most welcome to come back anytime, please do! Thank you so much Mike! God Bless.
The whole class was great. Very refreshing to have someone with the knowledge to teach a class. Really, really enjoyed the class. Would love to have you back in the future.
The amount of applicable information was especially good. I can take a lot of this info to the field to help my troubleshooting. I hope we can get more training by Mike in the future.
The presentation was beyond my hopes, couldn't get better. Very informative and straight forward. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you come back and teach us code again.
Very educational class. I like how we could jump around on different subjects to cover issues/problems we encounter on the job.
The presentation was great and you were willing to jump around to other sections when questions arose. All concepts were explained in such a way that none were difficult. The Grounding and Bonding discussion was especially good.
Mike is a classy guy and he's straight forward - I like that. I pray that I can have the will and faith to build my family to what yours has become.
Glad I was able to attend; Mike continue to be the first and last word in electrical training.
Great seminar. When Mike brings his personal stories into the talks, it makes it more interesting as well as more relatable.
Mike's energy, enthusiasm and expertise make this a must for anyone in the electrical industry.
Everything I was looking for was covered this year (estimating, motor calculations, fault current calculations). Your business is a valued commodity to myself and management staff.
I would highly recommend anyone in the electrical field to attend a mike Holt seminar. Well worth it.
The seminars have always been very beneficial. Submitting the CE hours to the State of Florida is a great benefit and ease of mind. Having API's Dawn Johnson available was helpful for different types of questions. Thank you.
I've known Mike for almost 40 years and have come to numerous Mike Holt Seminars. I learn things every time, enough to make the cost worth while, regardless of the CEUs.
I really enjoyed myself; I really enjoyed the way Mr. Holt was able to keep everything interesting by adding a little bit of humor into his presentation.
Thank you for making my first seminar with you very eye-opening and energizing. I will be back for sure.
Brad Crossan
Always enjoy Mike. Thank you for taking the time and interest in my son and the other "young guns". I agree it's important to bring the next generation in and having Mike Holt take a personal interest will go a long way in their minds!
Mark Foster
I always look forward to being around you and your family, and the high quality of everyone involved. Mike your seminars are always the best for education and reminding us of things we forgot or take for granted. All the updates are very well explained and will continue to return. Thank you and your staff.
Harry R. Palmer Sr.
It was my 3rd Mike Holt seminar and 1st here in Orlando. I live in California so it is a big trip to come out here but again, it was well worth the travel. Mike and his presenters did an excellent job presenting relevant material for all electrical experience levels.
Jesse Elliott. REC SOLAR
Since 1998 I have taken many courses, seminar, with many companies, but find Mike Holt seminar the best - well organized, knowledgeable, study material, selection of place for seminar - everything best of the best. Thanks for having a great seminar festival.
Azad B Goel
I have multiple licenses and use Mike's products to study. I have used other people for my CEUs but by far I learn the most by coming to Mike's class. Logistically not sure how often I can do it (from Ohio). Belynda Holt Pinto is a great representation of the company, very professional and does a great job.
Tom Petrey
The overall experience combined with peer experiences make it a "Must". The energetic, interactive and relatable nature of Mike and his team is incredible! I love the fact that both Mike and Brian House sat down with individuals and shared!
Dave Loveland
Always a great experience. We appreciate the help and thoughtfulness of the staff; also all the assistance with our staff.
Sean Jenkinson
I would highly recommend anyone in the electrical field to attend a seminar. There is quite a bit of knowledge that he goes over with the class. Very well worth it.
Adam Phillips
I've been coming about 5 years now, and I've got to say that this was one of the best years so far. Learned a lot, specifically on the 2nd day. Great job, cant wait for next year.
Michael Turner
I attend this event every year and I look forward to it (been a student of Mike's since 1977). Now that I've relocated from FL to NC I still make the drive and will continue to do so.
Doug Taylor
Best of the best, wins the Top Gun award. Great improvements overall. Not always the same speaker or subject covered from a course scheduled designed 2-3 years ago. Always bringing new ideas to keep the CE interesting - why I keep coming back.
Roger Casey
Amazingly well run and content is phenomenal. Mike Holt Enterprises is first class.
Brent Staley
I have been associated with Mike Holt Enterprises for many, many years. I have learned and gained so much knowledge from Mike and his courses. Always outstanding! It is a pleasure every year to attend Mike's continuing ed classes. The staff is like family, always helpful in every way.
I always enjoy Mike's seminars - energetic and cover great information. Good group of speakers. Thanks.
Thank you for another great seminar. This is my second time traveling from California and I hope to continue to attend for years to come.
I've been "following" Mike Holt for years online, and I've always wanted to take his live course. I finally had the opportunity to go - and it was EVERYTHING I expected. Salvatore Catalano
I started with Mike Holt on the EC Exam Prep Class and have been a loyal patron ever since. I have no reason to go anywhere else.
This is my second year attending this seminar and I plan on attending in the years to come.
Thank you for another great learning experience, networking opportunity and your interest!
You guys are awesome. I'm never disappointed in coming. I always leave with much-needed energy to become the best electrician I can be.
We brought our Service Manager. He was really showing signs of burnout. He left with a new prospective on business, and hunger to improve our company practices. Investment well-worth it!!
I appreciate the continuous improvements that are evident each time I attend these seminars, whether technical or content. They are always good, but you figure ways to make them better.
Informative, insightful, and entertaining in a way only Mike can do, and keep it professional.
I could do this (CEUs) online and cheaper, but I love this seminar and the feeling of family and camaraderie. it's a lot to take in, but I feel like I learn so much.
Mike and Company always pay attention to detail, making every facet of the seminar enjoyable and comprehensive.
This was my first time attending a seminar. I liked the overall format, real-life stories and information we received.
Mike Holt and his people were fantastic!! Everyone did an awesome job. This was my first seminar so i didn't know what to expect, but I will be back next year. Thank you for caring!!
This was my first CEU live class. I received many fliers for other classes, but when I got yours I knew it would be first class, and it certainly was! Presentation, books, set-up, lunch - all of it impressive. Any other class would be a step down.
Thanks to Mike and Mike's team for a wonderful and hard job educating people to become better electricians. Jesus Rodrigues
I am reluctant to come every time, but once here it becomes apparent that we are part of an industry, and I am encouraged, and glad I came.
I really appreciate such great training at an affordable cost. Mike is truly a one-of-a-kind. No one else could cover this much material, in this depth, in the amount of time given. Almost everything covered will be applicable to my daily routine. Tom Musgrove III
Mike's presentation along with the participant discussions is very helpful in understanding the wording of the Code. Mike goes through a step-by-step thought process to explain the wording of the Code.
I have been going to Mike's seminars for years and they're top notch.. He really cares about the industry that has allowed me to feed my family for years. That's huge in my book! Great job! -
Mike's presentation was very good. There was lots of good discussion and it was both entertaining and instructive!
I train with the Mike Holt team every year. It is always top notch. The content of the subjects and the execution is outstanding and, best of all, it's fun and I feel like family. Tony Gervasio, Sr.
This seminar was time well spent. Information is presented in a clear, down-to-earth manner. All speakers were knowledgeable in their fields and the information presented was useful for our daily dealings. Tonia and
Thank you for your efforts to delivery a quality program. I continue to have a better understanding of the Code.
This was my first Mike Holt seminar. I have learned a lot that will be shared with my co-workers and students. I will be back next year.
Good presentation and material, and stuck to the time schedule. Keep up the great work. Thank you,
I have been through over 100 hours of CE courses. They are always incredibly boring and painful. Mike's class was completely opposite. It was fun, interactive and informative.. I am actually walking away having learned a lot!
This is the best class I have done. it is worth flying down each year from Ohio for it.
Always a pleasant experience at a Mike Holt seminar.It reinforces my confidence as an Inspector/Plans Examiner. It enables me to confidently inform others in the field.
Highly recommend this seminar. The staff was great! The service you give for multi-state license renewals is excellent.
Excellent opportunity to learn and understand how Code Changes impact our industry.
Just do it! I love the honest and the straight-forward way in which Mike and Belynda project their ideas. The information covered is very practical and useful to anyone in the electrical business.
I have always come away from Mike's classes with the satisfaction that I got far more out of them than they cost.
Very informative. A must for up to date Code changes, additions and business/contractor regulations.
There is no better way to get your CE credits. You come to just fulfill those hours and you leave with a wealth of information.
Worth the money. Technical information was covered well; Motivational aspects of the seminar - Priceless!
Very informative. Like family, and I always look forward to attending the seminar.
I would like to thank you for the NEC seminar today, in Coral Springs. It was the first time I attended one of your Seminars. I am glad I had this opportunity. Thank you for helping us all attain the gift of knowledge, focus and inspiration. God bless you and your family.
I just arrived home from the continuing education classes in Orlando and let me tell you that it was a great experience and Mike and his team are awesome at what they do. Thanks to all of your team for that great experience. See you all on your next seminar here in Orlando.
We enjoyed the seminar and came away knowing we had increased our knowledge and with renewed energy and interest. This is the case each time we attend your seminars. We have already enrolled for next year!
Absolutely a must for anyone who truly cares about their trade. It is not just getting the 14 CE hours - it gives me energy and desire to want to get better.
This is one of the most important classes to take if you really want to learn your trade.
From start to finish everything is geared to help someone in the electrical trade. Very worthwhile.
This was my first Mike Holt seminar. I attended the 2-day seminar to fulfill CE requirements for multiple states. I fully expected to bored to tears, but was very pleasantly surprised that the seminar was informative, helpful and extremely well run and organized.
Worth multiple times the price of admission! A definite boost of motivation and inspiration.
The knowledge and experience is better than any other seminar I've attended.
Every time I come to one it gets better, and I think it can't get any better, but it does!
Excellent. Will make you think about where you are in life - business and personal, and motivate you to make decisions and possible changes.
Very informative. Well worth the time and money - significantly better than the on-line courses.
I've tried everything else and never learn anything. This is way above the rest! Food is great, too.
Go! It's worth it! I was considering going to online classes (cheaper) due to the economy and work. I am very well pleased with my decision to go see Mike again. You guys should run our government. I'm impressed every time I go. It's my third time and well worth it!
Going to this class will be the best decision you can make to improve your business and/or your electrical knowledge.
I just finished participating in Mike's Facebook presentation and to be honest it was AMAZING. I am every impressed with Mike's knowledge and command of the National Electrical Code. The presentation was in REAL-TIME, he was able to field questions immediately, the audio and video were second to none, easy to hear and view, and aside from a couple of technical glitches, the presentation was perfect. I was so impressed with his personable approach to educating us and truly learned a lot about items I have questioned for years. His frank and honest responses to the questions gave new meaning to the areas of the NEC I have struggled with for years. Thanks Mike and a special thanks to your amazing support staff for putting this event on Facebook. Great work to all. , Electrical Trades Instructor Madison Comprehensive High School and Adult Education Mansfield, Ohio
What pleased me the most with your organization? The quality of the product. Also, Sean (as usual in my dealings) "rooooocked". Seriously, I've had nothing but, great experiences with Mike Holt Enterprises. This is my first year of experience with Mike Holt Enterprises. I attended the Solar PV Boot Camp this year. When I got back to the "islands" we had a great need to not only discuss the info I got from the boot camp, but we knew there was a great need to discuss the NEC 2011 requirements with the industry, inspectors, and utility company. We decided to use your book and your presentation to hold a class on 11.3.2011. We had 43 participants, including people from all of the above groups, and we had a very positive experience. I have not been through Mike's Train the Trainer program, but with the manual and the presentation, I was able to produce a class that had GREAT reviews. All feedback was positive and appreciative that we brought this class to the USVI. Perhaps for the first time in the Virgin Islands, we had the utility company, the inspectors, electricians, and solar industry in the same room learning, discussing, and cooperating in the understanding of the NEC Code before it has been adopted. I feel that (at least in Article 690 and 705) we are actually in an environment where all parties are willing to work together to understand and comply with the National Electrical Code. Thank you for the customer service, the books, and the boot camp! Steve Garner
Solar PV Boot Camp: Do it! I called and got my lead estimator here and the head of inspectors for our school district. We are doing 3 installs, and this is much needed.
Solar PV Boot Camp Do it. It is very informative and the companies that represent their products are very knowledgeable.
Solar PV Boot Camp Dynamite program with knowledgeable presenters and an amazing knowledge base. Excellent environment for networking.
Solar PV Boot Camp Do it as soon as possible. I did not realize that there was so much information on solar
Solar PV Boot Camp Excellent seminar; great guest speakers and content.
Solar PV Boot Camp I will be sending all my guys through the Mike Holt class over the years.
Solar PV Boot Camp It's well worth the time and money for anyone in the field.
Solar PV Boot Camp Take the 5-day Solar Boot Camp class because it has the leading experts and also exposes students to changes and trends in the industry.
Solar PV Boot Camp The course is good, varied, and not boring like other seminars.
Solar PV Boot Camp The PV Boot Camp is a fundamental building block to your future business model in the solar market place.
Solar PV Boot Camp Very informative and vital for employees involved in PV systems.
This seminar is great. To me there is only 1 source for electrical education and it's Mike Holt Enterprises. Sun Electrical Works Inc.
This is the most informative seminar and there are no war stories about inspectors and Codes. Mike stops all the hear-say and presents fact and facts only. Austen Electric Inc.
I enjoyed the past seminars so much that I had to argue with my wife about why I was paying more for a Mike Holt seminar rather than going to a cheaper one. You get what you pay for!!
This is the best, most informative, most energetic and understandable seminar going.
Mike, family, and friends, Thank you, for the follow up. The seminar was great for many reasons. One, I attended the Coral Springs seminar for a change of venue (2007 and 2009 I attended in Orlando). Two, I really keyed in on a part of Belinda's presentation on "review, and update processes in your operation". I applied that immediately with my largest customer and "Wowwed them." Third, I won the 2nd prize $250 Mike Holt gift cert/Free VIP Seminar. Yessir! Sincerely,
You treat all of your clients as family! I look forward to these seminars not for what I can learn about the Code - that's a given, but for the emotional motivation I take away with me from them. Mike, Belynda and all of the speakers provide a sense of "we can do this"!
I attended Mike's time management seminar and it was the best lecture I ever attended. I know I can learn a lot about life and business from him.
Tara, on behalf of the Southern California Chapter of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI), I would like to personally thank you and the entire Mike Holt organization, for allowing Mike to come and speak, educate, and mentor us. In the seminar we had every level of skill ranging from Manufactures, to Inspectors, to working apprentices, to nonworking students, and Mike: in the Mike Holt fashion, spoke to us all. There were times where we laughed, times where even the experienced were challenged to evaluate how we do business and or how we are calling things out in the work place. The students were challenged to learn their kraft, and be diligent to be the best that they can be, or keep doing what you’re doing and be the company’s flunkie for the rest of your employment. On a personal note; just (3) days after the seminar, my daughter was telling me how she felt college is a bummer from time to time. I thought about it and simply modified an example that Mike used, and was able to share with her to quit if she’d like because someone needs to work the midnight to eight AM shift at Taco Bell sweeping and cleaning the floor. She quickly got my point modified her attitude toward her education. Mike’s seminar will be with us for a long time to come. What I liked most, was that not only did he know the code; but that, he had tried it’s principals and have put them to test. Mike is truly an inspiration to the electrical industry, and again on behalf of our Chapter, we really appreciate Mike for the offering of his time to us. We are all grateful. Truly, President, Southern California Chapter, IAEI
The Mike Holt seminars and the staff are by far the best in the business. Just keep doing what you do best!
Mike's programs are the best. Where else can you learn and love it? He is smart, funny and keeps you engaged.
As usual, the presentation was very well organized and very professionally presented.
A must do. Highly recommend the Solar Power Boot Camp seminar for anyone getting into the solar industry.
Registering for this program is the best investment for an electrical contractor's business. You pay for CEU required and get 40 years of electrical experience and best MBA knowledge in the industry.
A great 2 days of interaction and learning. I have recommended the seminar a number of times and will continue to do so. Seminar answers many questions.
Register early for VIP! If I was ever to design a perfect seminar this could be it. I go to several seminars for different types of businesses and this far exceeds all of them.
The Solar Power Boot Camp was probably the best I could have hoped for to educate myself on PV; long term experts in the field; code interfacing.
Very worth while - your staff has been excellent to work with (especially Ilene) on License Renewals and Requirements.
Mike always strives to improve his seminars; he is amazing. Register on time. You always get more value out of each of Mike's classes. Mike always keeps our industry updated on the current trends in technology.
Mike is a dynamic presenter and can get the point across so that anyone can understand the material being presented. Always great!
I like the way everything was organized, the amount of information available, and the quality of the lunches served.
What I like the best is the organization and efficiency that all of you possess. Keep it up. My CEU classes are always with Mike. I like the way in which he and his associates present the material. I have taken several other CEU classes and some free - in my opinion that's about what they were worth. Thank you to Mike Holt Enterprises for having my back when it comes to education. This is not a line, it comes from deep within.
Do it. I'd recommend it highly; I have been here several times, Mike always does a great job!
A must for all aspects of electrical contracting and business education.
Tell anyone thinking of registering that you receive so much more knowledge from this seminar compared to an online course.
Register early and be prepared to learn, interact and share with others.
It is time and money well spent; keeps you alert of changes that affect our livelihood.
The studies I have done through Mike Holt's books, seminars and videos have let me pass all my exams and also help me everyday with my work.
Go! Very informative, good time. Code is very boring - Mike makes it fun and interesting.
Very good program; speakers are very knowledgeable. The presentation aids were good in helping to understand the speaker's material.
Very educational; you will definitely walk away with better understanding of the subjects reviewed.
Always a good seminar. The Holt group is truly a dedicated and passionate group in their craft and with each other. Thank you!
This is an excellent and very informational program that every electrician should have a chance to take.
Mike Holt is the best in explaining in detail the electrical code. And his staff is exceptionally kind and hospitable.
Taking time for personal interaction with others during the breaks is invaluable versus an internet course.
I always tell people that Mike Holt is the best speaker there is. Thanks so much.
I want to thank Mike Holt for the training he gave me several years ago at his Top Gun training class. I am still using the techniques he gave me for my power point presentations. The use of the proper background colors...the font colors and sizes...as well as the suggestion of taking out all the extra sounds I was using for the slides (which were distracting and not necessary). My power points presentations are now very professional looking and easy to read even in classroom lighting. I have been using of Mike Holt's books since 1994. Anyone who hasn't taken this Top Gun two day training and uses power point should seriously consider going...it is well worth the time and money. Yours Laura Vergeront/Master Electrician Retired IBEW/Local 440 Instructor for Electrical Journeyman and Apprentices
Dear Mike, I have been a student/seminar attendee for 33 years. Because of you I have achieved more than I originally dreamed of when I started in business on May 1, 1973. Over the years I have mimicked your approach to our trade with the employees we have had. I firmly believe this trade requires more skill and mental acuity than any other trade. Unfortunately, many of my fellow contractors do not treat their employees the same, thinking of them as strictly tools, to work until no longer needed. The need for education in our industry is essential to the industry's continuance. For myself, I never felt more proud than when an employee graduated apprenticeship school/training and later went on to become a journeyman/master. Thanks for the years of substantial training and my continued success. George C. Turenne
It can be tough to sit for 2 days and listen to lecturers. Not at Mike Holt seminars! Thoroughly enjoyable (and informative) the entire time.
Total professionalism. Mike, as I told you after the July seminar in Orlando, I enjoy the 2 days so much, I come every year!
At the Coral Springs Seminar I listened to every word Mike said this time! I really enjoyed being there. He defragments us and puts our thoughts and lives back in order. Thanks again!
I thought the class last Friday and Saturday was excellent for some one needing multiple state continuing education credits. Your staff is very knowledgeable in what each state requires. I will be signing up for next years VIP offer.
You all are friendly, caring and professional. If CEUs were not required I still would attend your seminar. Good Job!
As always I enjoyed the Seminar. I have several licenses and receive several certificates when I attend your seminar. Thanks. Also your staff is great and very accommodating because I'm sure we ask a lot of your people. Say thanks to Patty, Ilene, Sarina and the others. They are Great!!!
The customer service was outstanding! The class was informative and entertaining. I will be back next year.I think I may have to started to understand bonding and grounding and their purposes better. Thanks!
I was really pleased with the prompt response, concern for clients satisfaction and follow up on clients. The seminar was very informative and this will assist me in the development of my future goals and ambitions to be a program developer and coordinator. Thanks again.
Mike, I think it is great that as you have grown you have not lost your focus. In times like these it is a challenge to stay focused on quality, service and customer satisfaction, but you are totally committed. My son and I are looking forward to the boost (and information) we will get in the first day and the education (and boost) we will get on Saturday. I am bringing my entire company to the Saturday session. All seven of us, but hey, how many companies will have 100% there? Looking forward to the annual "how ya doin'".
Intense! Like needing a "drink of water" (code refreshment) and Mike gives it to you with a Fire Hose! Great Job!
It's an investment in yourself; what you learn will save you time, money and maybe a life.
Go - and learn! I will be sending our people to your class in the future.
A must to attend. Excellent. All electrical workers, designers and managers should take the course.
Like so many years in the past, Mike still delivers better seminars than anyone else does.
Outstanding; passes quickly as Mike keeps your attention. James (Jim) H. Ham III
Motivating wisdom, high energy and a pleasant constructive atmosphere. Customer service is your high priority.
I was very pleased with your class; everyone was helpful and a true professional. I had high expectations before the seminar and you did not let me down. I look forward to being a customer and student of yours for years to come. Thank you so much.
Clone Mike!!!!He's the Man,,,,,STILL! His enthusiasm and energy is contagious. Thanks Mike, Thomas Pacchioli
Mike, I have been impressed with the overall professionalism of the staff at Mike Holt Enterprises.We have received only positive responses from the Grounding Vs. Bonding seminar held on June 2, 2009. We feel our contractors have gained new and valuable insight on the subject of grounding and bonding. Thanks again Mike.
The quality of your seminars are what keeps me coming back. Love being able to register online.
I look forward each year to the June Orlando Seminars (I must be getting old as I've been "with you" since 1977 & do get "excited" about attending) and even though I'm already registered, as I am each year, as a VIP am planning on bringing my wife, who has nothing to do with my Electrical Contracting business, as I feel it will help her in her job. Keep up the good work, Electric, LLP Hayesville, NC