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- BICSI A Telecommunications Association
- NACHI (National Association of Certified Home Inspectors)
- National Electrical Contractors Association
- National Society of Professional Engineers - Licensure, Education, and Jobs Information
- Underwriters Laboratories UL
- Spanish Ingenería Eléctrica Integral


- All About Circuits
- Electrical Engineer Degrees and Careers
- National
Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
- Professional
Publications, Inc.


- A Critical Assessment of the US Code for Lightning Protection of Boats
- Lightning Injuries - Emedicine Article
- Lightning Protection (Polyphaser) - Online newsletter
- Lightning Protection Standard 780 To Be Withdrawn by the NFPA! (9-1-2K)
- National Lightning Safety Institute

- Automation - Arthur Engineering, Inc.
- BICSI - A Telecommunications Association
- Fiber Fiber Optics - Learn fiber's history, advantages, future, and how to handle it.
- NTC - National Training Company [ NICET Exam Preparation ]
- Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)


- Chewning & Wilmer, Inc. contact Van D. Wilkins, Jr.
- Copper Organization
- Electromagnetic Field (EMF / EMI) Electrical Inspection Training
- Electro Static Discharge (ESD) Journal
- FIPS 94 - Electrical Power for Computer Installations [PDF]
- Grounding - Sensitive Electronic Equipment (10-20-99) (PDF 179KB)
- Harmonics - Controlling Harmonics While Improving Power Factor (PDF 1.3MB)
- Power Edge Technologies
- Power and Systems Innovations
- Shock From The Neutral [ Word ] [ PDF ]
- Shock Hazard Due To Stray Current [ Word ] [ PDF ]
- Silencing the Fields - A Practical Guide to Reducing AC Magnetic Fields
- Stray Voltage Troubleshooting Tips for Electric Utility [ Word ] [ PDF ]
- Transient Voltage Surge Protection Consumer's Guide (PDF 400KB)
- What is Power Quality

- Arc Blast Calculator - Spreadsheet to calculate Arc Blast in accordance with NFPA 70E
- Donnie's Accident
- Electric Shock - Stray Current (IEEE Paper) (8-16-99) [ Word ] [ PDF ]
- Electrical Safety for the Electrical Trade [ NIOSH Booklet ]
- Home Electrical Protection Beyond the Code: Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters (PDF 247K)
- Mike Holt Safety Forum
- National Lightning Safety Institute
- National Safety Council
- NEMA GFCI Field Test Survey Report - January 2001 [ PDF 800KB ]
- NEC - Dangerous To Your Health (IEEE Paper) [ Word™ ] [ PDF ] (8-17-99)
- Safety Handbook (PDF File 7-1-2K)
- Shock Hazard Due To Stray Current [ Word ] [ PDF ]
- Shock From The Neutral [ Word ] [ PDF ]
- Working Outdoors — OSHA Fact Sheet [ PDF ]
- Case Study - Stray and Contact Voltage [PDF 2008]
- NEMA GFCI Field Test Survey Report - January 2001 [ PDF 800KB ]

- A Brief History of Solar Energy - Eco Watch
- CEC Guide to PV System Design and Installation [PDF]
- Code Organizing Drawing - Interactive [PDF]
- Expedited Permit Process for PV Systems [PDF]. The information in this guideline is intended to help local jurisdictions and contractors identify when PV system installations are simple, needing only a basic review, and when an installation is more complex. It is likely that 50%-75% of all residential systems will comply with these simple criteria. For projects that fail to meet the simple criteria, a resolution steps may be suggested to provide a path to permit approval.
- Green Loans and Energy Efficient Tax Credits- Rider University Guide
- Home Power Magazine
- Home Solar Magazine Home Power has become the editorial venue for homeowners, business owners, and renewable energy professionals to exchange equipment, design, installation, and system performance experiences. This information exchange has helped create an industry with not only cutting-edge technology, but perhaps more importantly, a common goal: reducing the use of polluting fossil fuels and replacing this generation capacity with the infinite supplies of renewable energy that surround us.
- Jim Dunlop Solar
- NABCEP Study Guide for PV Installers [PDF]. This Study Guide presents some of the basic cognitive material that individuals who install and maintain photovoltaic (PV) power systems should know and understand. This information is intended primarily as a Study Guide to help individuals better prepare for the NABCEP PV installer examination but does not provide all of the materials needed for completing the certification examination. Knowledge of the information presented, knowledge of pertinent sections of the National Electrical Code and appropriate experience and qualifications are generally required of those applying for and completing the NABCEP certification process.
- North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners NABCEP is a volunteer board of renewable energy stakeholder representatives that includes representatives of the solar industry, NABCEP certificants, renewable energy organizations, state policy makers, educational institutions, and the trades. Each member of the board was chosen because of his or her experience and involvement in the solar energy industry. NABCEPs mission to support, and work with, the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries, professionals, and stakeholders is intended to develop and implement quality credentialing and certification programs for practitioners.
- Power Engineering Magazine: Solar Power Engineering Magazine is the comprehensive voice of the power generation industry that provides readers with up-to-the-minute energy news with articles frequently published about solar power.
- Solar America Board for Codes and Standards. The Solar ABCs improves responsiveness, effectiveness, and accessibility of codes and standards to U.S. solar stakeholders at all levels. The Solar ABCs enhances the practice of developing, implementing, and disseminating solar codes and standards.
- Solar Energy International (SEI) is a USA non-profit organization whose mission is to help others use renewable energy and environmental building technologies through education. SEI teaches individuals from all walks of life how to design, install and maintain renewable energy systems, and how to design and build efficient, sustainable homes. SEI offers trainings online and in 22 locations around the world.
- Solar Pro Magazine SolarPro is a high-quality technical publication available by free (electronic or printed) subscription to qualifying solar industry professionals. These are the people who are making solar happen and no other publication gives them the nuts-and-bolts information they need.
- Solar PV Labels
- Solar Resource Guide - Going Solar

- Silencing the Fields - A Practical Guide to Reducing AC Magnetic Fields
- Stray Voltage: Two Different Perspectives [ PDF ]

- Boldstar Thermography
- Copper Building Wiring
- Fuses and Fuse Holders
- National Institute of Environmental Health Services EMF RAPID Electric and Magnetic Fields Research and Public Information and Dissemination Program