Grounding and bonding problems are at epidemic levels. Surveys repeatedly show a high percentage of power quality problems are due to poor grounding and bonding. Electrical theory has been applied to this difficult to understand Article, making it easier for students to grasp the concepts of grounding and bonding. Additionally, Mike has color coded the graphics so you can easily differentiate between grounding and bonding.
This program includes the following items:
· 2017 Bonding and Grounding Textbook · 2017 Bonding and Grounding DVDs (3)
· 2017 Bonding and Grounding Online Course
· 2017 Bonding and Grounding Audio Download
Product Code: 17BGDV Price: $325.00
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Includes Understanding the NEC Volume 1 full-color textbook
plus 7-dynamic DVDs that cover Articles 90 - 480 of the NEC1
Includes our full Comprehensive DVD Library material
plus Changes to the NEC DVD Library, Grounding Vs. Bonding DVD Library, Limited Energy txbk, Und. the NEC Vol. 1 workbook, and Electrical Formulas quick reference Book1
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