- Applicants for a Colorado journeyman electrician's license are required to provide verification of eight thousand hours earned in no less than four years of electrical construction wiring experience, for lights, heat, and power; with a...
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Electrical Licensing Boards - Colorado

Colorado Statewide NEC Adoption
2023 NEC effective 8/1/2023
State Licensing Board Contact Information
Board |
Board Link |
Board Phone |
Board Fax |
Board Email |
License Requirements
Alaska, Arkansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
Exam Testing Company
- PSI 1-800-733-9267. You must first be approved by the State Electrical Board. You must first be approved by the State Electrical Board.
Testing NEC Edition
- 2023
- Triennial by 9/30. Board issued licenses and electrical contractor registrations shall be renewed every three years to correspond with the Board's adoption of the National Electrical Code.
License Requirements
- Applicants for a Colorado master electrician's license are required to provide verification of at least two thousand hours earned in no less than one year of planning, laying-out, and supervising the installation of wiring, apparatus,...
Testing NEC Edition
- 2023
- Triennial by 9/30. Board issued licenses and electrical contractor registrations shall be renewed every three years to correspond with the Board's adoption of the National Electrical Code.
Colorado Electrical Continuing Education Required: All Colorado-licensed Residential Wireman, Journeyman, and Master Electricians must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education (CE) during each three-year license period before they may renew their license. This requirement does not apply for the first renewal of the license for which, as a condition of issuance, the applicant successfully completed a licensing examination.
CE hours must be selected from among the Core Competencies listed below:
- National Electrical Code changes (four hours minimum required)
- Grounding and Bonding
- Wiring methods
- Theory and calculations
- Safety related to the electrical industry (four hours maximum. Not a requirement to complete)
Colorado Electrical License Renewal: Board issued licenses and electrical contractor registrations shall be renewed by 9/30 every three (3) years to correspond with the Board's adoption of the National Electrical Code.
Please note that the content provided on these pages is for your information and convenience and may have been modified by the state since it was last updated here. It is the ultimate responsibility of each licensee to verify that they are meeting the requirements of their state for licensing and renewal, and for the edition of the NEC on which their test is based.
We've got your back! For help selecting a custom program that meets your needs, call us at 888.632.2633.
What our Colorado customers are saying...
Mike, I just wanted to thank you for your work. I recently passed my Colorado Master Electricians exam. The last Masters exam I took was 2002 in New York; it's been a while and your material was exactly what was needed to clarify what I was missing.
Best regards, Jeremiah Fitzer
I passed my Colorado Master Exam first attempt... your exam preparation products were what I really needed to strengthen some weak areas, as well as give me the confidence to achieve the goal(s) I set for myself. I also love the videos. Would like to say thank all, God bless and be safe out there. ... Read more
Just wanted to say passed my Colorado masters test the first time using your books and video package. Thanks for the great detail and easy to follow examples especially on the calculations! Matt Hendrix