- At least 8,000 hours of full-time experience performing electrical work under the supervision of a licensed Master Electrician, Master Electrician Special, Limited Electrician, or Limited Electrician Special. Certificate of completion of apprenticeship from a state-approved, bona...
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Electrical Licensing Boards - Delaware

Delaware Statewide NEC Adoption
2020 as of September 1, 2020
State Licensing Board Contact Information
Board |
Board Link |
Board Phone |
Board Fax |
Board Email |
License Requirements
- Michigan, Wyoming: licensure standards are substantially similar and you do not need to submit any proof of experience. Arkansas, Colorado, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas,...
Testing NEC Edition
- 2020
Exam Details
- 3 hours; 80 questions
- Biennial, expiring on June 30 of even years
License Requirements
- Verification of Employment form showing six years full-time experience under the supervision of a licensed master electrician or Approved training verified by a certificate of completion of apprenticeship from any bona fide, registered apprentices program of...
- Michigan, Wyoming: licensure standards are substantially similar and you do not need to submit any proof of experience. Arkansas, Colorado, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas,...
Testing NEC Edition
- 2020
Exam Details
- 4 hours; 100 questions
- Biennial, expiring on June 30 of even years
Delaware Electrical Continuing Education Required: Delaware electrician licenses must take 10 hours of approved CE during each renewal period of which 5 hours must relate to the NEC.
Delaware Electrical License Renewal: Continuing education must be completed by June 30 of each even-numbered year. You can renew your license on the Board website.
PLEASE NOTE: A person licensed less than one year does not need to complete CE at the first renewal; a person licensed one year but less than two years must submit 5 CE hours at the first renewal. Beginning with the licensee's second renewal, 5 of the 10 CE hours required for renewal must be related to the NEC. Extra continuing education hours do not carry over to the next licensing period.
Journeypersons and Apprentice Electricians must complete 5 hours of approved CE during each renewal period with the following exceptions: a person licensed less than one year does not need to complete CE at the first renewal; a person licensed one year but less than two years must submit 2 CE hours at the first renewal. Apprentice training (proof of enrollment in a Board approved apprenticeship program) will count towards CE hours during that licensure period.
Please note that the content provided on these pages is for your information and convenience and may have been modified by the state since it was last updated here. It is the ultimate responsibility of each licensee to verify that they are meeting the requirements of their state for licensing and renewal, and for the edition of the NEC on which their test is based.
We've got your back! For help selecting a custom program that meets your needs, call us at 888.632.2633.
What our Delaware customers are saying...
Mike, Hope all is well! Your materials are great! We use your master library all the time for training our people. This year I passed the ICC Master, NJ Master (Electrical Contractor) and the Delaware Master - all using your materials. The videos are excellent. Keep up the good work. God Bles... Read more