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Electrical Licensing Boards - Massachusetts

Massachusetts Statewide NEC Adoption
2023 effective February 17, 2023
Stay up to date with your state's Code activity by visiting the NEMA website, or NFPA. Please check with your State Board. Licensing requirements do change, and this site may not have been updated to reflect those changes.
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Prepare for exams with our proven videos, study tips, and test-taking strategies.
License Requirements
- Work Experience: - 8000 clock hours over a period of no less than 4 years before making an application for examination.
- Applicants may receive credit for electrical shop experience toward the 8000 hour apprenticeship experience requirement provided however, that such experience was obtained in a public vocational school program approved by the Board.
- Applicants with work experience in systems work may apply 25% of that experience, up to a maximum of 2000 clock hours and one year, towards the experience requirement for the journeyman's examination.
- no credit for work experience completed six years prior to the successful completion date of their Board approved education.
- Education: - 600 clock hours of classroom instruction
- A high school diploma or the equivalent with their application if requested by the board.
- Applicants with education in systems may apply 25% of that education, up to a maximum of 150 clock hours, towards the education requirement for the journeyman's examination.
- Applicants may receive credit for electrical related instruction toward the 600 clock hours of education provided however, that such instruction was obtained in a public vocational school program approved by the Board. Applicants who have education, work experience and/or licenses in another state or jurisdiction (other than those with reciprocity with Massachusetts), may be eligible for a waiver of this education.
Application Form
New Hampshire
Exam Testing Company
All applicants for licensure shall submit an application for examination to the Board for its approval. Tests are administered by PSI (800) 733-9267
Testing NEC Edition
Examinations will be based upon the then in-effect edition of the National Electrical Code
Exam Details
Journeyman and Technician Examinations are given in two parts. One part of the examination questions are derived from apprentices supervised work experience. Part two of the examination questions are derived from the current Code, other Standards and Reference material, as provided in the Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB). Part 1: 70 questions, 180 minutes Part 2 Applied Portion: 30 questions, 60 minutes
Candidate Booklet
Candidate Information Booklet or visit PSI Exams Online and select the appropriate exam.
Recommended Study Resources
Triennial, by July 31
License Requirements
Master Electrician Requirements: A licensed Journeyman Electrician applying for a Class A (Master Electrician) license shall meet the following eligibility criteria for licensure:
- 1 year of experience as the holder of a Massachusetts Class B (Journeyman Electrician) license and having been actively engaged in electrical work.
- For the purposes of licensure as a Master Electrician, an applicant whose experience is limited to installing fire warning, security or inherently power limited systems shall not be considered a qualified applicant.
- Education Requirements - 150 clock hours of classroom instruction
- For the purposes of licensure as a Master Electrician, an applicant whose education is limited to fire warning, security, or inherently power limited systems objectives shall not be considered a qualified applicant. Applicants who have education, work experience and/or licenses in another state or jurisdiction (other than those with reciprocity with Massachusetts), may be eligible for a waiver of this education requirement.
Application Form
New Hampshire
Exam Testing Company
All applicants for licensure shall submit an application for examination to the Board for its approval. Tests are administered by PSI (800) 733-9267
Testing NEC Edition
Examinations will be based upon the then in-effect edition of the National Electrical Code
Exam Details
Master's and System Contractor's Examinations are given in two Parts. One part of the examination questions is derived from Business and related Laws. Part two of the examination questions are derived from the current Code, other Standards and Reference material, as provided in the Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB). Part 1: 80 questions, 240 minutes Business Law (Master Electrician and Systems Contractor Part II): 50 questions, 120 minutes
Candidate Booklet
Candidate Information Booklet or visit PSI Exams Online and select the appropriate exam.
Recommended Study Resources
Triennial, by July 31
Board of State Examiners of Electricians 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118
Board Link
Board Phone
Board Fax
(617) 727-9932
Board Email
All courses below are ONLY approved for (A) Master and (B) Journeyman electrician licenses. Courses aren't approved for (C) systems contractors or (D) systems technicians licenses.
Mike Holt Enterprises Approved Provider #: 389
Massachusetts Electrical Continuing Education Required: 21 clock hours every 3 years - 15 related to topics on the Mass. Electrical Code. 6 may be in area chosen by licensee for professional development and include NEC, Business, Law, Safety, Building Code and related topics.Any licensee who does not complete the required 21 clock hours of continuing education by the license renewal deadline shall complete one additional 21 clock hour course for each renewal cycle for which the licensee is delinquent
Massachusetts Electrical License Renewal: Electrical licenses expire July 31st every 3 years. Renewal notices are sent out 6 weeks prior to expiration. Renew licenses on ePlace website here.
Please note that the content provided on the following pages is for your information and convenience and may have been modified by the state since it was last updated here. It is the ultimate responsibility of each licensee to verify that they are meeting the requirements of their state for licensing and renewal, and for the edition of the NEC on which their test is based.
We've got your back! For help selecting a custom program that meets your needs, call us at 888.632.2633.
What our Massachusetts customers are saying...
I passed the Massachusetts test the first shot with your materials.
T. Melone
I just passed my Massachusetts Master Electrician exam thanks to the Mike Holt products!!! Thank you so much for making a quality product. Without Mike Holt I could not have done this.
Chris Heaven