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Electrical Licensing Boards - Utah

Utah Statewide NEC Adoption
2020 for Commercial (7/1/2021); 2014 NEC (2015 IRC) for one- and two-family dwellings (7/1/2016)
Stay up to date with your state's Code activity by visiting the NEMA website, or NFPA. Please check with your State Board. Licensing requirements do change, and this site may not have been updated to reflect those changes.
Get Started…

Prepare for exams with our proven videos, study tips, and test-taking strategies.
License Requirements
- Successful completion of an approved apprenticeship program AND 4 years of supervised work experience as a licensed apprentice electrician OR
- 8 years and 16,000 hours of supervised legal practical experience in wiring, installing, and repairing electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, and power.
Application Form
Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, or Wyoming
Exam Testing Company
You will not be allowed to test unless your application has been submitted and approved by DOPL. Examination registration and testing is done by ProV (800) 733-9267.
Testing NEC Edition
Exam Details
Code: 80 questions, 180 minutes
Theory: 50 questions, 100 minutes
Practical: 5 items (pass), 90 minutes
You are required to understand all Utah laws and rules pertaining to your practice as an electrician. The following applicable laws and rules are available on the Internet:
- Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing Act
- General Rules of the Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing
- Utah Construction Trades Licensing Act
- Electricians Licensing Rule
Candidate Booklet
Recommended Study Resources
November 30 of every even numbered year. Under Utah's renewal system, all licenses in each profession expire as a group on the same day every two years. Renewal Application
License Requirements
- A bachelor's degree from an EAC/ABET accredited electrical engineering program AND
- 1 year practical electrical experience as a licensed apprentice electrician OR
- Associate of applied sciences degree from an approved electrical trade school AND 2 years of practical electrical experience as a licensed journeyman electrician OR
- An official certificate of completion from an approved electrical trade school AND 4 years of practical electrical experience as a licensed journeyman electrician.
NOTE: You do not have to take the practical section of the exam if you previously passed the Journeyman Electrician practical section of the Utah Electrical Licensing Examination.
Application Form
Idaho, Oregon, or Wyoming
Exam Testing Company
You will not be allowed to test unless your application has been submitted and approved by DOPL. Examination registration and testing is done by ProV (800) 733-9267.
Testing NEC Edition
Exam Details
Code: 80 questions, 180 minutes
Theory: 50 questions, 100 minutes
Practical: 7 items (pass), 120 minutes
You are required to understand all Utah laws and rules pertaining to your practice as an electrician.
The following applicable laws and rules are available on the Internet:
- Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing Act
- General Rules of the Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing
- Utah Construction Trades Licensing Act
- Electricians Licensing Rule
Candidate Booklet
Recommended Study Resources
November 30 of every even numbered year. Under Utah's renewal system, all licenses in each profession expire as a group on the same day every two years. Renewal Application
Utah Department of Commerce 160 East 300 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Board Link
Board Phone
(801) 530-6628
Board Fax
(801) 530-6511
Utah Electrician Licenses Expire 11/30/2024! Earn your 16-Hours before the deadline with a course below!
Utah Electrical Continuing Education Requirements: All Utah electricians are required to complete 16 hours of UT approved continuing education courses during each two-year license period. 12 hours must be core education and a minimum of 4 hours must cover the NFPA 70E, Safety.
PLEASE NOTE: We cannot offer CEUs to Utah Contractors (license ending in 5501, 5551). Per Utah Code 58-55-302.5, Contractors must take CEU courses by one of the approved providers within the state. 6 Hours Required each 2 year cycle, minimum of 3 live
Utah Electrical License Renewal: Licensees must complete Utah approved courses by November 30 of each even-numbered year. You can renew your license on the Utah DOPL Board website.
Please note that the content provided on the following pages is for your information and convenience and may have been modified by the state since it was last updated here. It is the ultimate responsibility of each licensee to verify that they are meeting the requirements of their state for licensing and renewal, and for the edition of the NEC on which their test is based.
We've got your back! For help selecting a custom program that meets your needs, call us at 888.632.2633.
What our Utah customers are saying...
I would like to thank you for the Exam Prep Book that I purchased. I found out in March that I had to go to a job in Utah and would only have a couple of months to study for the exam. Not being a good test taker I was pretty worried. When I started reading your Prep book it all came back to me and t... Read more