- Four years of practical experience in the trade and 240 hours of formal vocational training in the trade. Five years of practical experience in the trade and 160 hours of formal vocational training in the trade. Six...
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Electrical Licensing Boards - Virginia

Virginia Statewide NEC Adoption
2020 effective 1/18/2024
State Licensing Board Contact Information
Board |
Board Link |
Board Phone |
Board Email |
Board Email 2 |
License Requirements
Exam Testing Company
Testing NEC Edition
- 2017 or 2020. Effective 5/15/25 exams will be based on 2020 only
Exam Details
Journeyman Portion: 70 items, 210 minutes
- Biennial, expiring two years from the last day of the month in which they were issued.
License Requirements
- One year of practical experience as a licensed Virginia journeyman.
- Ten years of practical experience in the trade, verified by an affidavit from those who observed the applicant's work in the trade.
Exam Testing Company
- Applicants must submit an application directly to the Board for Contractors BEFORE taking any required examination. After Board approval, notification will be sent to the applicant with instructions concerning how to register to schedule the exam with PSI (800) 733-9267
Testing NEC Edition
- 2017 or 2020. Effective 5/15/25 exams will be based on 2020 only
Exam Details
Master Portion: 90 items, 270 minutes
- Biennial, expiring two years from the last day of the month in which they were issued.
License Requirements
- Electrical Contractor (ELE) Class A contractors perform or manage construction, removal, repair, or improvements when (i) the total value referred to in a single contract or project is $120,000 or more, or (ii) the total...
Application Form
- Applicants for Licensure must read the for the profession or occupation for which they are requesting licensure. The Designated Employee or a member of Responsible Management of all contractors applying for licensure for...
Exam Details
1. Virginia Portion: 24 items, 48 minutes
2. General Portion: 50 items, 100 minutes
3. Advanced Portion: 24 items, 60 minutes
4. Building Technical: 80 items, 160 minutesClass C candidates are not required to take the PSI examination
- Biennial, on the last day of the month in which they were issued, as indicated on the license
Virginia Electrical Continuing Education Required: Virginia tradesman licenses must complete 3 hours of continuing education covering updates to the NEC. These must be completed during each three-year renewal period of your license.
Virginia Electrical License Renewal: Licensees must renew before their license expiration date every 3 years. The expiration date is the last day of the month in which you were issued as indicated on your license or certification card. Contractors expire every 2 years
Please note that the content provided on these pages is for your information and convenience and may have been modified by the state since it was last updated here. It is the ultimate responsibility of each licensee to verify that they are meeting the requirements of their state for licensing and renewal, and for the edition of the NEC on which their test is based.
We've got your back! For help selecting a custom program that meets your needs, call us at 888.632.2633.
What our Virginia customers are saying...
Just want to say thanks for your products. Very thorough and informative yet easy to understand and taught from someone in the trade; really enjoyed the videos as I learned. I bought the Masters/contractors library and thought it was kind of expensive but it was recommended to me by a friend and cow... Read more
Today I passed my VA Master Electrician Exam. It took me 2 months of long hours, 12-hr study days and long nights. Today I did it, I passed my exam! I looked up with 47 minutes left on the clock and I had time to go back and check for mistakes. Calculations were by far one of my biggest fears before... Read more
All Mike's courses that I've taken have been excellent. I took my first class after one slightly failed attempt to pass the Electrical Master exam in VA. With my purchased proxy study sheet and Mike's Prep course, I went back and passed that test so fast I felt like I cheated. I basically broke t... Read more